In the year 1946, Holy Cross Institute came into being in an unusual way in the teeth of mounting opposition and difficulties, the promoters of the institution made a humble beginning without a friend, without a shilling and without a calling. In those dim days, Shri. Sripad Talwadker, the oldest of the founder members in his personal capacity was conducting some primary classes in some ill suited, dingy and inadequate place on a mere nominal remuneration. At that time there was no school imparting education in English medium and the only school which was opened by the Government was the Portuguese Primary School. A need of an English medium school was felt by the locals, so late Shri Kant Hegde Desai courted the responsibility and with the co-operation of late Shri Sripad Talwadker, late Shri Alberto Da Silva, late Shri Michael Rodrigues and late Shri Narendra Hegde Desai made the humble beginning in 1947. A meagre number of 50-60 students attended the school. The school ushered into her second year which coincided with the dawn of India's Independence. 

The day '15th August 1947' was enthusiastically celebrated in the school. The totalitarian regime keenly resented this and the result was a foregone conclusion. The school had to wind up its existence. It was a bolt from the blue to the management which was already forced to take recourse to a series of expedients. A compromise was agreed to and the fascist regime was generous enough to allow school to continue till May, 1948. 

Without wasting much time the management decided to take recourse and were advised by one of the well wishers of the school and the principal of  St. Joseph Institute, late Shri. P.H. Panandikar who encouraged the management and extended his co-operation . He advised them to establish the school under the wings of a Church. In those times, Churches were allowed to establish and run schools. Accordingly the local priest, the late Pe. Sertorio Mascarenhas was consulted and through the intervention of the patriarch permission was obtained to establish school which was to conduct only the first four standard in English and Portuguese. The school began to function officially and she was christened as ' HOLY CROSS INSTITUTE.' 

In 1958, Chandrawadi Vidyaprasarak Centre came into being and in collaboration with the centre, Marathi classes were amalgamated with the school. 

The then governor Vassalo D'Silva had proposed to construct a school building for the institution but the Management from a national point of view declined the generous offer categorically. Even this point blank turning down of the offer permeated with a rare sense of satisfaction - satisfaction not to exchange self respect for power.

 Meanwhile the number of students was growing steadily on the eve of liberation, a little over hundred students were attending the classes but in  January 1962, they swelled to over one hundred and fifty. In June 1962, it mounted up to one hundred and seventy eight. After the liberation of Goa the school was managed by IDEAL EDUCATION TRUST. 

With the advent of liberation, new horizons came in sight, new avenues were opened. Up to this time the institution was a primary school and elaborate attempts were being made to give it the status of high school. Accordingly on 10th February 1963, the school was inspected by the SSCE Board, Poona. Though school was lacking both in suitable library and a well equipped laboratory, the SSCE Board sanctioned to open SSCE class provided the management fulfilled the conditions laid down by the Board. The management underwent many trial and tribulation to raise the fund to meet the expenses. Also as a rule trained teachers were appointed. 

In 1948, by the untiring efforts of the managing committee and by the grace of the illustrious family of Loyola Furtado , it was pleased to have a spacious bungalow on a very nominal rent. 

With the initiation of SSCE class, there was a sudden spurt in the number of students. The problem of accommodation became acute. The well wishers of the institution made valuable suggestions and guidance and the idea of having a school building flowered. Accordingly application was sent to the local Municipality for a suitable site to construct a building for the school, but the management was told that the Municipality proposed to construct a building and assurances were given that Managing Committee could accommodate the school on the first floor of the building.

In 1964, the first popular Goa Ministry came into the power and with its co-operation and goodwill, the Municipal building was constructed. From 27th July 1964, top classes of the school were shifted to the first floor of the building. 

In 1963, there had been a continuous growth in the number of students. To accommodate all of them in 1 shift was impossible, so the management had to introduce two shift system. 

The students and teachers braved the hard times with stoical equanimity, Thus, three years of toil and moil and patience found its way in the culmination of the pinnacle of success.

In the year 1967, the school completed its 21 years of her life and just as a man who after infancy consummates into youth, the school took one more step forward. On the auspicious occasion of 21 years of completion of her life with legitimate pride, ex-students, scholars, sportsmen and public men were recalled who had reflected the glory of their Alma Mater in their several occasions and pursuits. All those who as teachers had given to the school their very best though in varying measure, the ex-students boys who enthusiastically associated themselves with symbolic function the present students, the students and teachers yet to come - all these are the HOLY CROSS INSTITUTE. Children , past, present and to be - all clustered round their mother bringing their good wishes like so many flowers to crown her venerable head.

In the year 1969-70, the student Miss Sarojini Bale stood 5th at the SSCE examination conducted by the SSCE Board Poona, in the whole of Goa. 

In the year 2001, the institution which was run by the trust was converted into a society that is IDEAL EDUCATION SOCIETY, comprising of 13 members, who were non other than ex - students of the said school namely :

Executive Committee Members


Who came forward to build the institution a strong and sound institution in the town. Really the school in the hands of these members is marching ahead with every activity by their hard work and devotion.

Tiny Tots K.G. & Primary School, Quepem managed by the Lions Club of Quepem was with the special efforts of the society merged to our school.

Founder members of Holy Cross Institute

Head Masters who served Holy Cross Institute