1. A pupil seeking admission in the school must be introduced by their parents or guardians who shall remain responsible for the dress , regular attendance ,good conduct, progress, discipline, and damages by the pupil etc.
  2. Application for admission in K.G. , Std. I must be accompanied by a birth certificate from the Civil Registrar/Panchayat.
  3. Pupil shall have to produce a leaving certificate if he/she comes from a recognized school. In case of student coming from a school outside Goa, the leaving certificate must be countersigned by the Education Inspector of that state.
  4. Students will be admitted normally within the first month from the re-opening of the school. However, incase of sickness or bereavement or of transfer of parent/guardian they may be admitted beyond this period with the production of leaving certificate of the last school attended and with due permission from the director of education.
  5. Parent or guardian wishing to withdraw the child or ward from the school must notify the intention to the headmaster in writing a full month prior to doing so.
  6. No leaving certificate will be issued unless all the school dues are paid (library books, sports uniforms returned and any damages are made good.)
  7. At the end of the year every student must get registered before the date announced .otherwise the name will be struck off the roll. The Management reserves the right to re-admit or reject a student at the end of each year.

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